By Love's Hand

Fierce  Female Network And The We’73 Project

Vol 13 December 2024


So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

                                                                   Romans 8:8

It is natural in families to see parents show more affection to the child who makes them happy. A story is told of a family with two boys. The younger son from childhood was gentle, humble, obedient, and respectful, while the older son was self-willed, stubborn, disobedient, and troublesome. Although the older son performed better academically, the younger son received more love and care from their parents because he made them happy. The parents’ attitude toward the younger boy was so obvious to the older brother that eventually he changed from his rebellious lifestyle.

Like these earthly parents and children, God expects everyone to try to please Him. When Jesus is baptized in the Jordan by John the Baptist, the Spirit of God declares: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased.” (Matthew 3:17)

 Do you want to make God happy? You cannot please God if you live in sin. To make God happy, surrender to Him.



But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. “

Psalm 1:2

 Dick Eastman asserts, “The person that spends time thinking about the thought of God will find great depth and understanding that will touch all areas of his life. It is after all in meditation that you rise above yourself –and the world–for the purpose of seeing God’s plan in proper perspective: “Truly you can only rise above yourself and the world to know the will of God for your life through diligent meditation on God’s word.”

       Many higher school institutionss are polluted by myriad social vices that pose dangers to the spiritual life of the students. Do not waste your God- given time in clubbing, partying and other meaningless social gatherings. God says you are blessed. If you delight in His word and meditate on it day and night, put it into practice: No Bible, No Breakfast; No Scripture, No Sleep.




My soul, wait though only upon God; for my expectation is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defense; I shall not be moved.

                                                                                            Psalm 62:5-6

A story was told of a boy crossing the ocean with his father, the captain of the ship. They ran into a storm, which frightened everyone except the boy. When asked why he was unafraid he said, ” I have my eyes on that window. Through it I can see the bridge, and on that bridge is my father. He is the captain of this ship. He has taken it through many storms, and I know he will take this one through.

 “What a confidence! In the Bible , King David refused to be moved by persecution from his enemies because God was his Rock, Salvation, and Defense. Beloved, are you facing challenges in your physical or spiritual life? Like King David, fix your eyes on God. Do not be moved. Consecrate your life to God and trust in Him. Surely He will see you through every storm of life.


March Homily by Deacon Richard Benkovic

Leprosy was one of the most feared diseases in the time of Jesus. The disease would start as a small spot on the skin and soon spread. It rotted the victim’s fingers, nose, lips and gave off a disgusting smell. We hear it explained in our First Reading, how lepers were excluded from society and left to die a slow and painful death. They were prohibited by law from coming within 100 yards of healthy people. The disease was looked upon as a sign of God’s punishment. Theologians and spiritual writers have always seen in this Old Testament conception of leprosy a symbol of sin. Just as leprosy starts small but spreads and grows, so one sin starts to grow and cut us off with our relationship with God. So, when Jesus reaches out and touches this leper and heals him, it is much more than just another miracle. It is a revelation of Jesus’ mission here on Earth. Jesus came to the leper, and he still comes to us–not to condemn us, but to save us. And this is exactly what every human heart needs to know: that we are loved even though we are sinners. And if God forgives us, should we not treat all people like God treats us?

          When I was in my late twenties, one of my friends who worked in a prison asked me if I wanted to join a basketball team that he was getting together, to play a game in the prison against the inmates. I agreed to play. I remember signing a release form and a guard telling us what to do if there were any problems in the prison. As we walked through the prison and the doors closed behind me, I thought What am I getting myself into? I remember the basketball game was close and very competitive.When the game came to an end, we shook hands with all the players, and you could see in their eyes that they saw themselves as basketball players instead of inmates who have done something wrong in society.

          Following Christ’s example of forgiving is hard for us at times. Understanding why it’s so hard for us is a big step towards making it a lot easier. There are at least two reasons. The first comes from original sin. We live in a fallen world and suffer from a fallen human nature, so we have a built-in tendency to be self-centered instead of self-forgetful. The second is the culture in which we live. Our culture tends to measure the value of people more by what they have or what they can do than by who they really are as children of God. Saint John Paul II used to describe it as the “culture of death.” Is there any hope for us to learn to accept everyone as children of God? Of course! Jesus himself is our hope. He dwells in every Christian heart, redeeming our fallen nature and strengthening us to do his bidding to treat others as Christ treated us, even when we fall from grace.

Judalion777 – ‘Perspective’ By Sean Thurman

Emerging rap artist Judalion777 uses his formidable lyrics and storytelling to depict the journey from a tough life on the streets of Washington D.C. to a life of love and prosperity. Being completely raw and honest about the challenging origins of his story gives listeners an authentic look into his life and shows how you can use art as a path to a better existence. Judalion777’s music revolves around themes of redemption, resilience, and personal growth, proving that the only way to triumph over a difficult past is to look it dead in the eye and face it head on. Using all of his personal and artistic strength he pulled himself up toward a better future. Now with that past firmly behind him, Judalion777 uses his newfound position to help empower fellow artists and lead them down a more positive path to success and accomplishment.

On the single “Perspective” the rapper lyrically lays out these foundations over a classic instrumental. Cool jazzy guitar chords float on top of a hard thumping drumbeat while lush layers of synths fill in the sonic landscape. His voice is overflowing with purpose and integrity, preaching street poetry and philosophy with style. The overall message is a quest for unity and transcending the differences that drive us apart. In a world where we are driven to battle each other, Juda’s strive towards peace through empathy is a tall task but he understands the power of music and art will help ease those divides. He explores the ideas and undeniable truth shifting our perspectives can have an enormous effect on the way we relate to each other and the perception we have of our position in the world. Above all, it’s a catchy track with a dope beat that has a beautiful message. Judalion777 has learned from his experiences and is using those lessons to provide insight to guide future generations toward a better understanding. “Perspective” is just one single in a long line of tracks that make up Judalion777’s musical catalogue, all throughout he continues to use his art to push toward a better world for all of us.  You can listen to “Perspective” on our Prime Cuts Playlist and follow Judalion777 on the links below. Please continue to support acts like Judalion777 and share his music with everyone you know.



 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no alteration or shadow caused by change.

                                                                                                        James 1:17

       I like the way God qualifies the gifts He gives. They are good and they are perfect. He gives material things and financial wealth for our enjoyment. The gift of life, salvation, and other Christian experiences are from God. So are such virtues as wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and various abilities.

       However, Elizabeth Elliott said, “if we hold tightly to anything given to us , unwilling to let it go when the time comes to let it go or unwilling to allow it to be used as the giver means it to be used, we stunt the growth of the soul…if God gave it to me, we say, ‘ It’s mine. I can do what I want with it.’ No, it is ours to thank Him for and ours to offer back to Him.” Your life and everything you have comes from God and belongs to Him.

Veteran of the Month, Tribute To A Blue Star Wife

The veteran of the month is Helen Sajor, born in 1933, from Camphill Pennsylvania. Mrs. Sajor comes from immigrant parents, her mother from Salvikia and her father from Ukraine. Her father was a coal miner and died in 1939 from an explosion. This left her mother to maintain the household and the three children. Her mother cleaned houses for money and they got social security, it was $14 for eac child and her mother got $20. It was enough to live on, so as the kids got older they began working too. 

Helen graduated highschool in 1952 and began school to become a nurse, and in those day that meant three years of school to become a registered nurse, but to receive a degree it was an extra two. After three years Helen was practicing medicine and she met her husband who was attending Harvard Law School. She never finished nursing school, because they had their first child and went on to have 6 more kids the following six years. Helen herself was never in the military but her husband fought in the Korean war as a ranger captain, three of her children are Army officers, and three grandchildren are in the military. She said by having so many people she loves being in the military it made her realize how big of a commitment the military is. 

Helens kids being in the military is what sparked another big event in not only her life, but so many other veterans and veterans families lives. When her one son, Frank Sajor, came home early from Iraq they started the Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors in his honor. The organization is a non-profit that pays veterans bills, in some cases as soon as 48 hours, and they also point veterans in the right direction to receive the correct help they need. In the beginning the organization started when General Sajor started going to Walter Reed Hospital in Washington and seeing what the veterans needed most. It turned out it was mostly financial needs that were not being met and the mental health of the soldiers was not being taken care of. Through talking with families of veterans they learned that many soldiers were commiting suicide, because they did not feel like the person they were before enlisting. 

Shortly after this the Sajors were contacted by Walter Reed and asked if they could house soldiers for the weekend as a way to get out of the hospital and have a sense of normalcy. At this time Mr. and Mrs. Sajor were living on a farm house, with a complete guest house, a pool, and a stream for fishing so they agreed to not only have the veterans come and stay, but their families as well. They received a phone call from a mother that said they were never offered for a family to come and took up the opportunity, and after that the phone calls kept coming in. This came to a halting end when General Sajor was diagnosed with cancer and died a few months later. Helen decided that she couldn’t maintain the house and the families alone and stopped it, but it wasn’t the end of her story helping veterans. Instead she decided that she would help with any bill that veterans needed help paying and this was the beginning of the Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors. 

The organization started with 6 local volunteers and now has 54 volunteers over different counties in the whole state. The biggest supporters are school, teachers, and the people who donate monthly amounts. When people learn that not only all the volunteers don’t get paid, but Helen herself does not profit from any of the donations received, it encourages people to donate, because they learn it is a good organization and the only intention is to help soldiers in need. She likes to be very upfront about where all money goes, so in the informationally brochure that is given out at all events, letters, and when meeting people it includes on the back page the amount of money donated the previous year and where the money went. Out of every donation only four cents from every dollar is used towards the brochures and the remaining 96 cents goes directly towards a veteran in need. The organization is able to stay successful even though they don’t spend money on marketing, because the biggest promotion they get is through word of mouth, whether it be a veteran they helped telling another veteran or families telling other families. 

The biggest struggle hit when Covid started in 2020, because the people who normally donate didn’t have the extra money anymore. Helen said that those who were more fortunate and in a stable financial position came through. People who were donating $25 a month started donating $50 and so on. This did help some, but at the end of the year they saw a 40% decrease in donations. The Pennsylvania Wounded maintained its ability to consistently help veterans, because of the savings that were built up from the more generous donations. In some circumstances different amounts of money were left to them in will’s. Mrs. Sajor said she has also received larger amounts of money as big as $44,000 all because of their mission and how pure it is. 

When asked if Mrs. Sajor ever expected the organization to become as big as it has, she simply said no. In the beginning Helen and her husband called it a mom and pop organization and never expected to grow to the extent it did. She believes the reason it grew into what it is, is because of the work they do and the mission they are trying to accomplish. They get donations from people who live outside of Pennsylvania from as far away as Florida. She believes these donations come from people who have moved out of state or veterans who understand how hard the struggle can be to get back on your feet. The Pennsylvania Wounded has also made its way into the local papers in different communities, which spreads the word even farther. Lastly, she believed one tactic that encourages people to keep donating is that every time they receive a donation a thank you letter is sent out to the person acknowledging the donation that was given. It shows a little bit of apparition that people deserve for being generous to those who aren’t as fortunate. 

When it comes to the future of the organization Mrs.Sajor said that as long as people need help and know of the organization it will continue to grow. As the organization does grow the opportunities to spread also continue to grow. This passing veterans day they were invited to be in the Pittsburgh parade and this opened the opportunity to spread and get volunteers on the other side of the state. At a certain spot during the parade they were announcing what each float was, and when their car went by the magnetic sticker on the side, people were donating right then, because they already understood it was a good cause. She said her hope is that one person tells another person, and then another person and the veterans who truly need the help get it. 

Mrs. Sajor said the most rewarding part of the work she does is knowing the impact it is having. She reads and saves all the thank you notes she receives, because the work she does is something that she holds a lot of pride in. One story in particular that she remembered was when a family reached out, because they had no money to plan a funeral. They were able to give the assistance, and made her think about the fact she was able to help someone who had gone everywhere else and asked for help, but got nothing. Helen sounded amazed herself while saying they can help people within 48 hours of a request coming in. She also said it is the most emotional part, because every veteran they are helping has no other support system or resource they can reach out to help them. She compared the respect that soldiers receive now and stated how deserved and impactful it is, because they have earned it. They took on a responsibility that many people couldn’t handle. 

 Over the course of the years Helen has received many awards for the work she has done, but there were two that stuck out to her the most. The first one being The Adjutant General award at the Indiantown Gap. Her picture is hung up in the hall of fame and she is the only non military or government personal features there. The other award that she was given and stood out to her was the John F. Kennedy award. It was the first award she ever received, due to the Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors and it went to anyone who assisted the disabled. It was given to her by a senator who was disabled herself and in a wheelchair.  

Helen said she starts every speech she gives with the quote that General Sajor said “Those who risk their lives in combat in the defense of our nation deserve a place of honor above all others in our society. Their courage has made everything possible for us.” 

Donation can be given to the Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors at or checks can be sent directly to 

Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors Inc.    

1013 Mumma Road                             

Suite 203                                                  

Wormleysburg, PA 17043    


Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors Inc.    

1117 Country Club road

Camp Hill, Pa 17011


  • Who is Mrs, Sajor -3.(second part then first) 1. 
  • Who is her family 1.  2. 
  • What is pa wounded warriors and how did it start 4. 
  • Did you expect it to become as big as it is today 7. 
  • And in the future what do expect to see happen 8. 
  • What is the most rewarding part 9. 
  • What is the emotional part 11. 
  • Awards she has received 10. 
  • One funny story from her past 
  • End with highlighted quote

HOMILY from Maddie and The Deacon Richard Benkovic

The one word that I thought about after reading the first reading and the gospel was the word relationship. In the first reading we hear about Samuel and Eli and their relationship with God the Father, in the Gospel we hear how Peter and Andrew begin their relationship with Jesus. With that said I would like to start my homely with a story about relationships.

This story is about a lawyer who lived 100 miles away from his elderly father. They had not seen each other in a number of years. The father called up his son and asks, “When are you going to visit.” The son proceeds to tell him about all the demands on his time with meetings, going to court, and so on and so on. So, the father says to the son, “When I die do you intend to come to my funeral?” The son responds, “Of course I’d come to your funeral.” The father replies, “Good, let’s make a deal, forget the funeral. I need you more now than I will then.”

What is the meaning of life? Many great philosophers and religious leaders have given various answers to that question. But only Jesus Christ has given the complete answer in today’s Gospel passage. John the Baptist, who has been preparing his own disciples to recognize the Messiah sees Jesus walking along the bank of the Jordan River. John points at him and tells his two disciples that he is the One, the Lamb of God, the Messiah. As the two disciples approach Jesus, Jesus asks them: “What are you looking for?” In other words, where are you searching for meaning in your life? Surprised by the question, they just say, “Teacher, where are you staying?” Jesus invites them to walk with him, to be his companions. That is Christ’s answer to the question of the meaning of life. The meaning of life is a relationship to be lived out, it is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

            If the meaning of life is to be found in the relationship with Christ, then our highest priority in life is to try and deepen that relationship. There are three ways to do this. First, we have to develop a life of prayer. Prayer no only involves saying prayers but it also involves reading and meditating on the Bible and filling our hearts with gratitude for God’s many gifts. Second, we have to build our lives around the sacraments. We must open our hearts to God in confession and receiving the body of Christ in Holy Communion. And third to deepen our friendship with Christ. Friendship with Christ, means wanting and working for whatever Christ wants. Today’s Psalm puts it beautifully: “Here I am, Lord, I come to do your will.” Prayer, sacraments and obedience to Christ’s plan, these are the foundation of a meaningful life. A life with a relationship with Christ which will reach an everlasting fulfillment in heaven.


O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself; but in me is thine help” (Hosea 13:9). I once observed with shock, the unconscious reaction of a young man who could not get hemp for about two hours. His whole body vibrate uncontrollably until he manage to escape, smoked hemp and returned looking for normal and happier. This is how many young person have destroyed their lives and their future, experimenting with forbidden substances, queer lifestyles and sinful habits that have ruin them. According to Jonathan Edward, ” sin is the ruin and the misery of the soul, it is destructive in it’s nature; and if God should leave it without restraint, there would need nothing else to make the soul perfect miserable.” But Jesus died on the cross of Calvary to redeem the human race from the consequence of sin. Continued indulgence in sinful practice only destroys the body and slowly damns the soul.

Brain Foods to Increase Your Memory

Berries And More Berries

1. Berries are the brain food to improve memory. Specifically blueberries are the power berries to improve memory. Berries are chucked full of antioxidants. Eating just a 1/4 cup of blueberries everyday will help your memory. True Stories; Two examples in particular my aunt who noticed she was becoming more forgetful started to worry, and asked her doctor if there was anything she could do to help her memory. He told her blueberries, everyday. She started eating blueberries everyday, and noticed an improvement in her memory. The second example is my mom. She constantly holds up the blueberry flag declaring how they have really helped her. For the past 2 months or so she has not missed a single day of eating her berries and tells me not only did it help her memory, but has given her a second benefit with elimination.

Blueberries And Beyond

Spinach 4 memoryBlueberries are the best because of the anthocyanin purple blue pigments and chlorogenic acid found in them. Not only do they help the brain but they are excellent anti-inflammatory agents within them. Other berries which have great health benefits are cherries, cranberries, and raspberries.

Spinach 4 memory

Mother Always Said Eat Your Spinach

2. Spinach contains potassium, magnesium, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6, and folic acid which are a great combination for brain power. The folic acid in spinach helps protect neurons in the brain. These vitamins also play a big part in helping to make healthy red blood cells which is the vehicle to carry oxygen to the brain. Spinach has multitude benefits besides being a healthy brain food. Potassium and magnesium are proven agents in helping to lower the blood pressure.  So listening to your mother when she said eat your spinach she’s right. Keep eating your spinach.


3.Oranges are mostly known for their high concentration of Vitamin C. Whether eaten fresh or as fresh orange juice, they are powerful brain boosters, and they are well-known as being a great immune booster. Oranges also protect against heart disease. Oranges contain flavonoids which also is an added benefit for helping to prevent varicose veins.

Oranges being high in vitamin C is the agent to protect your body against free radicals which are damaging to the body. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. Oranges are heart healthy, and great for starting your day with a glass of orange juice.

Baked Potato

Great for memory and lowering blood pressureGreat for memory and lowering blood pressure

Baked Potato

4. Who knew? Potatoes to improve memory. Yes potatoes do help with memory. Potatoes are loaded with potassium which is a nutrient to aid in lowering and/or regulating blood pressure.

5. Black-eyed peas and not the Yes black-eye peas are a great source for brain power and improving memory. Black-eye peas also have calcium which is an added bonus.

6. Pomegranate, do not worry drinking pomegranate juice is just as good. Pomegranate has multi-purpose benefits. Remember the rule rich color foods everyday in your diet. Dark greens, and your pomegranate is also said to be good for helping to prevent cancer. Pretty much most health nuts are familiar with foods which help to boost your memory. I tried to find some other alternatives that are less commonly found on most super brain food lists.

As always your nuts, and whole grains such as flaxseed oil, walnuts, and omega 3 are always good to mention.

Pomegranate for health and memomryPomegranate To Your Memory

Pomegranate for health and memomryPomegranate for health and memory