By Love's Hand

By Love's Hand

Fierce  Female Network And The We’73 Project

Vol 10 September 2024



Likewise, ye younger, submit yourself unto the elder. Yea , all of you be subject one to another , and be clothed with humility : for God resisteth the proud ,and giveth grace to the humble ” (1peter 5:5) Driving down a country raid, Steven Beck came to a very

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Invest In Your Health By Exercising By Fierce Manson

When thinking of including exercise in your daily routine, you should know the long term benefits of exercising that will keep you fit and smart for years. Yes, you can say that everyone knows exercise is good for health but is that tangible enough to motivate and to get you

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Veteran Of The Month – James R. Petitpas

The Veteran of the Month is James R. Petitpas from Dorchester, Massachusetts. He joined the Army on February 28th, 1970, at 17 years old, and he got out 3 years later in 1973. James comes from a family of 10 and held a lot of responsibility for his sibling’s well-being.

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Advent Homily – By Deacon Richard Benkovic

Column Maddie and the Deacon Growing up I remember watching a cartoon show that featured a dog and his pet boy, their names were Dr. Peabody and Sherman. And they had this machine that could transport them back in time it was called the Way-back Machine. So let’s go back

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Anti-Wrinkle Super Foods By Fierce Manson

Berries Are Your Bestfriends Blueberries are my favorite and they are truly the best anti-aging, and anti-wrinkle food. This is the perfect anti-wrinkle food. Berries have natural fructose sugar that satisfies your longing for sweets and enough fiber so you absorb fewer calories that you eat. British researchers found that the

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An article written by: Oluwatobi J. Omolewa Believer’s authority is a concept that holds significant importance in many religious and spiritual practices. It refers to the power and ability that individuals who follow a specific faith possess, enabling them to exercise control and influence over different aspects of their lives.

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The Promise of God By Fierce Manson

©Abundant Waters Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved no parts of this content may be reproduced without the authors sole permission. The promises of God already belong to you, you already own it. Think of it as being in your possession at this very moment. In this last hour before the

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Vegetarian Recipes For Breakfast Lunch And Dinner

Breakfast I thought I would do another recipe hub, but do a receipe for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I have found that going meatless is not as hard as I thought it would be. Some substitions are good, but other taste pretty blah. I must admit the only meat product

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DON’T QUIT THE QUEUE written by Cz Olayemi

There is nothing as stable in life as change. Whether we like it or not changes occur on daily basis. Thus says the lord “it will soon be your turn for the change from all unpleasant situations” therefore don’t quit. Beloved as long as you will remain on the lord’s

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Maddie and Deacon Richard Benkovic.

God is reminding us today that all good things in life come from him. Today’s Readings paint the picture of a vineyard. Just as God supplies the vineyard with air, sunlight, water, soil, the wall to protect it, and the tower to guard it so he supplies each one of

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Great Quotes To Inspire

Maya Angelou Quotes I have always admired people who could interject a great quote into their conversation, not forced; but individuals who are cable of letting it roll off their tongue.  I love watching “Frazier” you know him Dr. Frazier Crane.  His intellectual wit, and he skill to roll a

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