By Love's Hand

By Love's Hand

Fierce  Female Network And The We’73 Project

Vol 8 July 2024


Do Not Linger by Lloyd Mohrlock

“And while he lingered, the men laid hold upon his hand and upon the hand of his wife, and upon the hands of his two daughters…and they brought him forth, and set him before the city.” To linger means to stay in a place longer than necessary because of reluctance

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“For this my son was dead, and alive again; he was lost,and is found. And they began to be merry“ Commenting on the prodigal son, Matthew Henry’s commentary states, “The prodigal son in the far country was dead to his father, and his family, cut off from them, as a

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Deacon Rick Benkovic’s June Homily

On summer vacation trips to Cape Cod, we would always make a stop in New Bedford, visit the whaling museum, and go inside the Seamans’s Bethel. Bethel is a Hebrew word meaning, “House of God.” In the classic novel and movie, “Moby Dick,” one scene takes place in the Seamans’s

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YOU CAN DO IT by  Holaryemey Iyanu

If you ever think that nothing is impossible, think of Phillipe Croiizon and his inspiring story. Phillipe was born in 1968. As a youth, he lost his arms and legs through electrocution. In August 2012, Phillipe accomplished the impossible as he became the first physically-challenged person to swim across The

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A  LIFT  BEFORE  LEAPS by Holaryemey  Iyanu

A lift before leaps can be explained as help before successes. A Christian youth invited a drug addict to a city-wide crusade. The pastor preached on “Christ’s power to deliver us from sin and Satan.” At the end of the message, he made an altar call, encouraging participants to surrender

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Health Benefits of Drinking Water by Fierce Manson

Water. Can you believe some people really just dislike drinking water. Hopefully this article will encourage those who do not like drinking water, will begin to do so for their health. Drinking water has a multitude of great health benefits. I prefer drinking bottled water and not tap. Drinking distilled

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Strawberries And Glowing Skin

A key part of the health benefits of strawberries is this fruit’s high water content. Like many nutritious fruits, strawberries are composed of more than 75 percent water. This means that by eating strawberries, you feel fuller on a smaller amount of calories than foods with less water content. Strawberries,

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Blackcherry Juice by Fierce Manson

Eating cherries are benefitual to one’s health in many ways. I love telling my health stories first simply because my mom who is turning 70 in 2 weeks is such a big inspiration and a total health fanatic. I usually get plenty of tips from her on what’s vitamins and

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May Homily by Deacon Richard Benkovic

In today’s Gospel we hear, “The two disciples recounted what had taken place on the way and how Jesus was made known to them in the breaking of bread. While they were still speaking about this, he stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.” But

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Why You Should Carry Your EpiPen

The day was sunny and beautiful when I kissed Ron and said, “I’ll see you later. I’m taking Mom for a doctor’s appointment.” I was sure I’d find him outside when I returned home. But July 16, 2020 turned out to be the darkest day ever. I wish I could

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April Veteran of The Month

The April veteran of the month is Peter Kalabisko, born on December 22nd, 1946. He was born and raised in Hamburg, Pennsylvania; growing up, he lived with his mom and dad. In 2024 he still lives in Hamburg, but with his wife who’s been married for 62 years. His parents

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April Homily By Deacon Richard Benkovich

Where is God? This is so often the question of the many people in the modern world. A world in which we hear in the news of violence, suffering, wars throughout the world. Where is God? The cry of those who do not believe and yet are weighted down by

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