By Love's Hand

Fierce  Female Network And The We’73 Project

Vol 11 October 2024


I said in mine heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked:
for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work. (Ecclesiastes 3:17)
According to Kishor pate, CMD, Amit Enterprises Housing Limited, at age 55 , ” the
time to experiment with ‘speculative’ investment should be over ” this underscores
the spiritual assertion, “To everything there is season, and a time to every purpose
under the heaven ” (Ecclesiastes 3:1) life on earth is limited by time .
Even the greatest endeavours of life would be totally meaningless if not
embark upon at the appropriate age and time. If people like William Shakespeare,
Fredrick Handel, Miriam Webster, Thomas Edison, Graham bell , Henry Ford and a host
of other achievers and delay action and failed to mark their great achievements,
what a great loss it would have been! While you’re still young, invest well in
your education and career. ” Strike while the iron is hot, ” so goes an adage In the s…

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