By Love's Hand

FierceĀ  Female Network And The We’73 Project

Vol 11 October 2024

Health Benefits of Drinking Water by Fierce Manson

Water. Can you believe some people really just dislike drinking water. Hopefully this article will encourage those who do not like drinking water, will begin to do so for their health. Drinking water has a multitude of great health benefits. I prefer drinking bottled water and not tap. Drinking distilled water also has a benefit. Distilled water helps to pull toxic out of the body. The body must be hydrated, and the only way for it to stay hydrated is to drink water, and fluids. The skin will benefit by your drinking 7 – 8 glasses of water daily. Distilled water in my own personal opinion has a better taste. The body is approximately 62% water — your body needs drinking water to maintain balance.

Water And The Heart

Without drinking water it causes the heart to work much harder. The heart is an organ which beats over 2 billion times in a person’s lifetime. It is the organ which pumps blood throughout the body. The heart weights between 8 – 10 ounces, and between 10 – 12 ounces in men.

A benefit of drinking water, and plenty of it is enabling the heart to work easier and more effectively. Why? Because the heart has to pump blood. If you do not drink water the blood begins to become thicker which puts stress on the heart making it work harder to pump blood. Drinking water helps the blood stay in a healthy state to move easily throughout the body.

Water And The Brain

Did you know 85% of your brain tissue is water? Your brain needs, water, water, water. Drinking water is essential for good brain health. Whether you are drinking water purified or distilled, or natural spring water your brain thanks you! When you are not drinking enough water your brain suffers. Did you know you can dehydrate your brain by not getting enough water. Believe it or not one sign that your brain is not getting enough water is forgetfulness.
Your Kidney’s And Why You Should Drink Water

Your kidney’s benefit from your drinking water to decrease the chances of forming kidney stones. Those who have ever experience a kidney stone know it is not a pleasant experience. Kidney stones are created by bacteria that builds up and form a protein which crystalize in stones. A body that is dehydrated has an increased possibility of forming stones. The kidney, and liver work in the body to get rid to waste. Kidney stones are very painful, I have never had one but have spoke to others who have had a stone. On the pain scale it comes in at 10++.
Drinking Water And Your Skin

Whether you are drinking water purified or distilled, or natural spring water your brain thanks you! When you are not drinking enough water your brain suffers. Did you know you can dehydrate your brain by not getting enough water? Believe it or not one sign that your brain is not getting enough water is forgetfulness

As for your skin, your skin is 70% water, and to kept your skin well hydrated you should be drinking at least 2 liters of water a day. Without drinking enough water it results in dry skin, and skin that is not moist. Drink up for the health of each cell in your body. Every cell needs water to function correctly.

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