By Love's Hand

FierceĀ  Female Network And The We’73 Project

Vol 11 October 2024

Why You Should Carry Your EpiPen

The day was sunny and beautiful when I kissed Ron and said, “I’ll see you later. I’m taking Mom for a doctor’s appointment.” I was sure I’d find him outside when I returned home. But July 16, 2020 turned out to be the darkest day ever. I wish I could erase it from my memory.

My husband, Ronald Hlavaty, was a very active 73-year-old. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and had overcome numerous health issues. He was an active member at the gym, a faithful church member, a father, and a grandfather. But most of all, he was an amazing husband. He even loved taking me to ballroom dance lessons. Since we were both retired, we were looking forward to doing some traveling and growing old together. But in a split second, all of our cherished dreams vanished forever.

On the distress call, Ron reported he’d been stung by a hornet! I’ll never know the exact sequence of events and what Ron actually experienced. It was reported that he went into anaphylactic shock, suffered cardiac arrest and lost consciousness. I can only pray that it happened quickly and that he didn’t suffer. My deepest regret is that I wasn’t there to help him, a pain I will always carry with me.

Ron was medevacked to an Allentown hospital, where he remained on a ventilator for five days, until doctors determined that my loving husband of 48 years was brain-dead. My family and I had to make the most agonizing decision to turn off all of the machines. Three days later my daughters and I formed a circle of love around Ron, and as we were shaving his beard, he took his last breath.

Now my mission is to promote awareness about bee stings and the need for an EpiPen for those who have allergic reactions. The cost for one EpiPen can be very expensive, and each one has an expiration date of one year. But because of my own terrible loss, I am trying to build a platform with others who have need for an EpiPen to try to bring down the cost.

For further information, you may contact me at my email address [email protected]. If my story helps just one person, I will be truly grateful.

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